BSC Board of Directors
The BSC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected on a bi-annual basis at the Annual General Meeting. Directors are responsible for various portfolios including Club Finances, Coach Contracts and Hiring, Fundraising, Publicity, Special Events, Hospitality, Synchronized Skating, and Test days. The board meets monthly to attend to club business.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
President: Katrina Kelly
Past President: Jen Jacobsen
Vice President:
Treasurer: Lindsay Coates
Communications Director: OPEN
Events Director: OPEN
Skater Development Director: OPEN
Director at Large: Susan Ye
Synchronized Skating Director: Charalynne Mainville
Professional Coaches Representative: Paul Glenn
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board
- The overall general good management of the club
- Ensure that the Club acts in a professional and businesslike manner
- Liaise with Skate Canada
- Negotiate ice requirements
- Review schedules for approval by the Board
- Set fees for skating programs
- Liaise with other directors and chairpersons
- Prepare contracts and hire new coaches
- Review policies and procedures
- Enforce rules and regulations
- Deal with bad accounts
- Sit on various committees
- Acquisition of equipment
- Budget development and control
- Financial reports to be presented to Board of Directors on a monthly basis
- Sign cheques with one member of the Executive Committee
- Assist office administrator with accounting and bookkeeping issues
- Ensure the books of the club are ready for the annual audit
- Meet with the auditors at the conclusion of the audit to discuss the report and any concerns
- Makes recommendations to the Board on the selection of an auditor each year